Peter Nieuwersteeg en Cees van der Ben
Close cooperation and great confidence led to a celebratory contract extension between PVC manufacturer Shin-Etsu PVC and KH Engineering in September. Cees van der Ben, Manager Technical Projects at Shin-Etsu, and Peter Nieuwersteeg, Portfolio Manager at KH Engineering, explain why the companies are so keen to continue working together.
‘Since I started at Shin-Etsu PVC two years ago, I have been working on strengthening our project department,’ says Cees van der Ben. ‘I am grateful for the support of KH Engineering. They have been working for us for ten years and take care of the engineering and engineering management of many different projects. From replacing a pipeline to exchanging compressors, you can rely on the knowledge of KH Engineering. They also provide a good cost estimate, so that we know exactly where we stand in advance. Moreover, they regularly assist us during the evaluation of tenders. Via these Technical Bid Evaluations, we have a better understanding of whether the purchase is justified.’
Cees did not have to think long about extending the contract. ‘We have updated the contents of the contract, but I have not considered switching to another engineering firm. The most important thing for me is that the people at KH Engineering are able to put themselvesin their clients shoes. In this case, Shin-Etsu PVC. They have to make decisions as if it were their own factory; I experience their involvement as very positive.’ ‘The fact that we have been working together for more than ten years says something, of course’, Peter adds. ‘For us, it is great when we realise a project like Shin-Etsu PVC has in mind. We really feel part of the project department. We work very openly and transparently, and we indicateif there is still information missing to be able to carry out a project properly.’
One team
‘There is a different company name on our paycheck, but we are one team’, is how Cees summarises the relationship. ‘And that is really special. KH Engineering has built so much trust that we dare to putcritical tasks, such as document control and authority engineering, in their hands.’ Peter: ‘Our aim is not only for a project to be carried out correctly, but also for all the documentation to be correct and guaranteed.’ Cees: ‘That is very important to us. If we have to carry out repairs at ungodly hours, it is crucial that the documentation of all the installation parts is correct and up-to-date.’
Drive and passion
Now that the cooperation has been renewed, it remains important to keep each other focused, according to Cees and Peter. ‘Otherwise the relationship will wear out,’ says Peter. ‘Our core team that works for Shin-Etsu PVC still has the same drive and passion and you can notice that.’ ‘Moreover,’ says Cees, ‘the contract can evolve with our needs. Our project execution plan is separate from the actual contract. In this way, we can still deliver tailor-made solutions within the existing framework and optimise our cooperation.’
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