From a workshop on circular economy to a company visit to a tank terminal and from an online lecture to a networking drink: there are plenty of activities for the younger employees at KH Engineering. We want to both challenge each other to become even better young professionals and "just" have fun," says board member Joyce Visee.
The association of young (<35 years) employees within KH Engineering has existed for four years now. Not even that long,' says Joyce Visee. She works as a communication consultant at KH Engineering and is also a board member of the association. At the time, two young colleagues came up with the idea of establishing an association. Many young people find it very pleasant to work with experienced colleagues, but it is also nice to meet up with people of the same age from time to time. Young KH offers that opportunity and istands for three things: connection, interaction and development.
These three things come together in a series of activities and events that the association organises. The aim is to do this about six to ten times a year. Our meetings are very diverse: think of a short lunch lecture or a networking drink. But we have also had an extensive company visit to a customer at Schiphol, including a look behind the scenes in the hangars. We had fewer physical meetings during the corona pandemic, but we tried to make up for that with online lectures and a pub quiz. After corona, we visited a supplier of pressure equipment in April. I was there too and so I know from my own experience that it really makes a difference if you know each other better. Where previously you might have only greeted someone with a good morning, now you really chat or exchange knowledge.
LocationJoyce forms the board of Young KH together with colleagues Alexander Massie and Amaru Gonzalez Pereira. Co-founder Rob Witlox resigned from the board last year', says Joyce. We meet once every fortnight to come up with new activities for the members. For example, we are now planning a company visit to a tank terminal. Besides, the age of 35 is not a strict limit; if you are a little older you are just as welcome. The location of the events has also been taken into account; employees from all three branches (Amsterdam, Schiedam and Antwerp) are able to attend the meetings. Joyce: 'This also stimulates the connection. It has an inspiring and recruiting effect on other younger employees. So in that sense too, it is an asset to our company. That is also widely recognised: Young KH is an important tool for connection, well-being and employee satisfaction.
More information
Would you like to know more or invite the young employees of KH Engineering for a company visit? We would be happy to come along! Send an e-mail to