Perry Nagelkerken & Marc Steigenga
Human, collaboration and forward-thinking are the core values of KH Engineering. In our new mission and vision, we explain what we stand for and where we want to go.
‘We noticed that both customers and employees – especially the younger ones – increasingly needed a clearer and sharper version of our mission and vision’, says CEO Marc Steigenga. ‘The future vision of our organisation and what we can offer our clients becomes more clearly articulated’, continues CFO Perry Nagelkerken. ‘This gives us a clearer proposition that does justice to where we want to go. Forward-thinking is an important element in this: we want to offer future-proof solutions that contribute to the sustainability of processes at all our clients.’
‘We are a company in development, just like our customers’, Marc continues. ‘We have a tremendous amount of knowledge about sustainable solutions, such as electrification or green hydrogen, but we remain focused on the pragmatic business case for our clients. We continue to strengthen ourselves in this area and take the future into account in every project, because we want to offer our clients long-term solutions.’
KH Engineering assists clients in various sectors within the industry to reduce their CO2 footprint. ‘But it has to be manageable’, says Marc. ‘Considering the impact of the climate goals and the investments involved, we must always bear in mind that our client wants to carry out these sustainability projects while maintaining a healthy business operation. The willingness is there, and we want to help, but we cannot focus solely on sustainability. ‘Regular’ projects like new construction, expansions or debottlenecking remain an important part of our business.’
The new mission and vision are concretely implemented within KH Engineering. Marc: ‘For example, we established our own New Energy & Infrastructure group, which cuts across our organisation and unites engineers from all disciplines to realise sustainable solutions. From tank terminals to chemical plants, and from pharmaceutical companies to airlines.’ KH Engineering also realises projects in circular production. ‘Moreover, we are increasingly working together in integrated teams with our clients’, adds Perry. ‘This perfectly aligns with our core value collaborative.’
Both Marc and Perry are proud of the development that KH Engineering is going through. ‘We are becoming more diverse and inclusive, have teams with incredible knowledge and skills – also in the transition to climate-neutral and circular – and possess a healthy dose of optimism. There is a lot of positive energy here.’
The teams now consist of a nice mix of young people and experienced engineers. One of those experienced people will soon be leaving the organisation: former CEO Willem Pronk is retiring. ‘In June, we have properly said goodbye to Willem as CEO’, says Marc, ‘and he will be working on a number of special projects as a director until the end of the year. This ensures a ‘soft landing’ into his retirement’, says Marc. And that aligns beautifully with KH Engineering’s third core value: human.
Marc Steigenga, CEO
Perry Nagelkerken, CFO