Every day some 600 trucks with waste from the Amsterdam metropolitan area and far beyond report to the gate of the AEB Amsterdam. Every year, the company processes almost one and a half million tonnes of waste. Valuable materials are separated and with the residual waste stream AEB generates sustainable energy; about 900 kWh electricity and 91 kWh heat per thousand kilos of waste. KH Engineering also plays a role in this.
‘I've only been working at AEB for a year and a half,' says team leader Projects Nanja van der Lelie. ‘But I already saw the name KH Engineering on documents in our archives from 1992. So they have been known on our site for decades. We use the services of KH Engineering mainly for the many modifications we carry out; these require a lot of flexible engineering capacity.'
Although these modifications or MOC's (management of change) are minor adaptations to process technological and mechanical installations, they are modifications that need to be well thought out and elaborated beforehand. This is necessary in order to assess the risks and consequences of the modification. KH Engineering is primarily involved in the design and engineering part.
‘One of the advantages of the KH team is that we can switch quickly. They are just around the corner, so they can be on the ground in a few minutes to assess the situation. What strikes me most about the KH team is their enthusiasm. That gives me energy. They actively seek cooperation with an attitude of "come on". Furthermore, they work very carefully and meticulously. This is particularly useful when checking the PI&Ds, important tools for AEB specialists, who then implement KH Engineering's comments themselves. I get the feedback more and more often: can't KH do that more often for us? It is clear now. KH has now become an important part of our flexible shell. If we have no internal capacity, our people are increasingly suggesting that KH Engineering should be called in.’
‘Working with a party that is new to me is always a matter of probing,' says Van der Lelie. ‘At first I sometimes thought they were too careful when they made an extensive offer and a plan of approach. We like action and I prefer that they spend those hours already busy'. Van der Lelie can see that more and more spin-off projects are being added for KH Engineering. ‘They are more often involved in larger and more complex long-term projects. And they are involved in a large project for a water treatment plant. With KH Engineering, we have extra expertise and project experience at the table.’
The city council of Amsterdam has decided to sell all shares of AEB. ‘Despite the fact that we are for sale, this has no influence on the cooperation in the future,' Van der Lelie thinks. ‘We are sticking to the development plans and a new owner must also continue to invest in improving this location.’
For more information about AEB: www.aebamsterdam.nl