KH Engine editie 3 energie transitie plantThe targets for the Netherlands are clear: in 2030 we must have 49% less CO2 emissions compared to the base year 1990, and in 2050 we must have 95% less. This is a major challenge for the energy-intensive process industry, but right up the alley for KH Engineering.

‘KH Engineering has been working on the energy transition for some time now,' says COO Paul Boeren. ‘It started years ago, for example with process intensification and the design of the first generation of biodiesel and biogas installations. About two years ago, the transition gained momentum and the focus shifted to CO2 reduction through, for example, the use of new energy carriers and new technology. Such as the electrification of processes that were previously natural gas-fired or electrolysis for the production of hydrogen and methanol. But we are also focusing on work for the future energy infrastructure: just think about distributing all electricity from on- and offshore windfarms in the right way.’


From the Mission and Vision of KH Engineering, the focus market "New Energy & Infrastructure" has recently been defined. With it, KH Engineering mainly focuses on projects that are necessary for the production and storage of biofuels, infrastructure for sustainable electricity, process installations for the production of green basic chemicals and bio-plastics and industrial heat and power generation.


According to Paul, the strength of KH Engineering lies primarily in the combination of the shared knowledge and expertise to be able to take care of a project for the client from the earliest design stage up to and including commissioning. ‘We have in-depth knowledge of the ideal design of the process, as well as all the multidisciplinary disciplines required to carry out the project down to the last detail. That, in addition to the task that lies ahead for the Belgian and Dutch industry, makes me expect that we as KH Engineering, will have our hands full with that in the coming decades.’


In recent years, KH Engineering has already built up an impressive portfolio in energy transition projects. Paul: 'Think of carbon capture or heat recovery from industry to district heating. In addition, we took care of the recovery of raw materials and energy from existing processes. And we are currently working on converting a terminal with fossil products into biofuels. Wherever possible, we are looking beyond the customer's location; for example, for this terminal reduced biofuel consumption and cost savings can be achieved by sourcing residual heat from a nearby power station.


Paul believes that such a solution fits the intrinsic drive that is present at KH Engineering. ‘We also work support sustainability within our own company. Together with our parent company Ludan, we built biogas plants, we are working with Twinnovate on a demonstration plant that uses various organic residual flows and waste as much as possible and we are switching to LED lighting in our buildings. But fair is fair: our greatest contribution to sustainability and therefore the energy transition lies in inventing and implementing smart solutions for our clients.’